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MikeB said:

@ Golvellius

MS do not pretend to give consumers the choice between Blu-ray and HD DVD.

Regarding Blu-Ray:

"Microsoft VP Peter Moore was quoted at CES saying that Xbox 360 has the flexibility to adapt to consumers’ needs, allowing Microsoft to add features as consumers demand them."

There is consumer demand for a Blu-Ray add-on, or better yet considering it's also Microsoft's technology being used a Blu-Ray drive offering full HD DVD backwards compatibility (currently planned HD DVD compatible Blu-Ray drives won't support additional HD DVD features other than movie playback, they use the same codecs).

Moore doesn't say he's giving consumers the choice between HD DVD and Blu-ray. He says that a Blu-ray add-on can be easily made should consumers demand it (which means "should HD DVD lose").

You say there is consumer demand for a Blu-ray add-on? Err... how do you think it would sell if MS released one right now? Would you buy one? I think the sales numbers of stand-alone BR players speak for themselves.


MikeB said:

. Sony forces consumers to upgrade to Blu-ray even if they just want to play games and don't care about movies.

IMO the Blu-Ray drive will be mainly beneficial to PS3 games. Nobody is pressuring people to buy Blu-Ray movies, that's an option (I'm very happy with) as the PS3 does feature movie playback support.

People who want to play PS3 games but aren't interested in high definition movies are forced to buy a Blu-ray drive that they do not need because a common DVD drive would be sufficient for games. (I know Sony-affine developers are claiming the opposite, but what else should they do? Telling people that Blu-ray is not necessary at all for their game wouldn't be very smart.)


MikeB said:

The official DVD successor is HD DVD, not Blu-ray.

Not really, most companies which were part of the DVD consortium are part of the Blu-Ray consortium

Nevertheless the DVD Forum has voted HD DVD to be the high definition successor of the standard DVD.