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fps_d0minat0r said:
curl-6 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:

wow... ok.

any more new characteristics you would like to add to your home made definition of 'generation'?

Any more ways you'd like to try to get around the fact that PS3/360 are now last gen?

I never had a problem with them being classified as 'last gen', I just just didnt agree it was a valid reason to assume they are dead or that their sales no longer matter.

Longevity is a factor people consider when buying consoles, and its important that console manufacturers make this a part of their brand image. Thats why the PS4 is doing so well despite its arguably weak lineup of games. People know the good games will eventually come.

Thanks for clarifying your definition of 'generation', atleast now I know why we dont agree.

I will standby my definition of generations which start on day 1 and end on an official discontinuation statement (independent of other products its manufacturer may launch). I have no problem accepting multiple generations co-existing, because it brings more choice to the market, for gamers when it comes to HW and SW, as well as developers, publishers and retailers.

Maybe next year or the year after nintendo might launch a new system and call it 'next gen', that doesnt mean the PS4 and X1 wont count anymore because they will be 'last gen'

And I stand by mine. If the 7th gen was still counting, it wouldn't be "last gen" it would still be "current".

Agreeing to disagree seems the only logical outcome here.