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The best thing I've found about the gamepad is the Youtube video support, it's fun to be able to browse videos and share them with friends on the big screen TV. Got a lot of laughs this way. Also being able to use it as a TV remote control is OK, but it's missing some functionality (like the ability to jump back to the last channel you were on).

As for 'off-TV' play ... for me it's a bit of a bust.

The best thing about the Wii U overall I find is simply put experiencing Nintendo franchises in HD resolution. It's such a breath of fresh air and the colors of Nintendo games look great even in just 720p.

Playing the games on the gamepad is just like taking an ugly step backwards into SD resolution. The screen isn't very high quality in image quality. Also there seems to be compression artifacts going on with the image, when you look at the Mario character in NSMB or Mario 3DW for example, there seems to be a "blurry fuzz" around him.

Nope to off-TV play for me. I waited 6 years for Nintendo to go HD, and now that it's here, I ain't going back to fugly SD res when I get a much, muuuuuch better picture quality on my TV that's always in the same room as the Wii U.