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jack100 said:

I just watch the Wii U "Five" episode from ZyroXZ2, not sure if that is your name on this forum, but good job.

Anyways, as I forgot he said that the ps4 and xbox 1 uses a x86 prcessor, yet I remember that you can ONLY use about 4 gigs on RAM, and that includes GPU RAM.  So I was thinking, do they stick 8 gigs on RAM into each console and 4 gigs NEVER gets used. I remember this cause I had a 12 gig PC and had xp 32bit and I could only see like 4 gigs, so I had to upgrade to a 64 bit operating system.  So I was wondering how do they use 8 gigs each if x86 can only use 4 gigs.

I did a little research and found the x86-64, which theorically see 128 GIGS on RAM.  Of course I was confused a little since I haven't done hardware stuff in a while.  More reseatrch revealed that x84-62 uses twice as much CPU power as a X64 processor since you constantly have to swap bits in the RAM on x86-64.

So doesn't that mean the PS4 and the xbox 1, which has 8 cores, with 2 gigs reserved for the OS and 6 cores left.  Isn't the 6 cores be equivalent to 3 cores since x86-64 has to use twice as much power?  If it was an x64 architecture, then it could maximize all 6 cores whereas x86-64 uses much more power and can be cut in half.  Also if they want to maximize the CPU power the DEV eventaully have to learn x64 platform at least for the next generation......which they now won't learn. 

JUst ranting, maybe I'm forgetting something.  Just my 2 cents.

No, put that 'research' down before you hurt yourself :).

What are you talking about "constantly swap bits in the RAM"?  It doesn't take twice as much power to run x86-64.  It's generally faster.

My 8th gen collection