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^^ So anyone who smokes, drinks, etc... should be put away for life and/or killed because they "can possibly" hurt someone else?

Stupidity hurts the World too. Let us put them away. This World would suck if we punished based on speculation alone. X guy can be hurt of killed because Y guy smokes marijuana in his own home. Good enough... LOCK HIM UP!!!

Now guns kill people too, illegalize them. Fast food leads to obesity which can lead to serious health issues and kill someone. Illegalize it. Did you know that if you are doctor prescribed Vicoden (which you can take at the job if prescribed) ca alter your judgment too? That is it, lock up the whole pharmaceudical industry.

People are punished when they do wrong, although what am I doing wrong?

You really do not understand what you are saying. Please read up.

Your sense of justice fails.

 Just remember what the US does... then remember what the crime rate is compared to the rest of the World.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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