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mr-money said:
OK, let me break this down to you really, really simply.

Marijuana is not damaging to your health. It is the opposite. Marijuana is not addictive. It is the opposite.

Marijuana's previous name was hemp. It used to be illegal for farmers NOT to grow it. It was used for oil, textiles, food, drugs, and a replacement for tobacco.

It was rebranded "marijuana" and made to look dangerous by the media, so that the oil, drug and tobacco companies could profit immensely.

I advise everyone here to push for marijuana legalisation in your own state. Marijuana is great, although I have not personally smoked it, because I'm not into that stuff. I'd rather be fully conscious and aware. I'm not that insecure, although I guess it would be fun to try it.

Iam guessing when you say not addictitive you mean no withdrawl symptoms?? becaus people have addictive style personalities and chase the feeling they get when High! So maybe its not as hard as alchohol or nicoteen to get off of but people  can and do abuse it!

Also its can make some people paranoid! Iam not saying its any worse then alchohol ! But its all about escape and when your loaded everything seams so funny! and what about the munchies are we not already to fat here in America!

I used to burn and drink like a fish Iam sober for over 20 years now! When I used to get high at work  Id have gum and eye wash for the red eye! but still try answering a phone while your zoning out! Damn I was wasted!

They dont call it dope for a reason it doesnt make you smarter! Of course when I was in the arcade as a young lad I remember being lit and playing Robotron  2084 the true 3rd person shooter and greatest game ever IMO. Being in a complete zone I went off for over 10 million points it was euphoric when I finished my feat all I could do was roll another fatty and be at peace with the results!

By the way CWM that was me in the arcade back in the day sorry to steal all your HIGH scores!

PS I often wonder if I was on the chronic or the kind some big ol sticky indaca bud if I would still shred! or kust be another 20 LBS short of a hearattack!