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Opium smoking was banned during the late Edo era, yet hemp had at no time before American occupation been illegal in Japan. We don't think this was because all Japanese was non-psychoactive. There are several reasons to believe that psychoactive cannabis was available before 1948, but the availability simply never led to problems. There was no valid reason to prohibit the possession and cultivation of this natural plant. Marijuana prohibition was a break with millennia old Japanese culture.

It's all the US and their money hungry leaders. That is all. They simply do not make enough off of it. So much moremoney to be made once people are forced to smoke cigarettes since these same people deemed them legal, yet are so much worse for your body and contribute to over 10000 deaths a year.


Take a read, this is about Japan alone and Cannibus.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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