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mr-money said:
OK, let me break this down to you really, really simple.

Marijuana is not damaging to your health. It is the opposite. Marijuana is not addictive. It is the opposite.

Marijuana's previous name was hemp. It used to be illegal for farmers NOT to grow it. It was used for oil, textiles, food, drugs, and a replacement for tobacco.

It was rebranded "marijuana" and made to look dangerous by the media, so that the oil, drug and tobacco companies could profit immensely.

I advise everyone here to push for marijuana legalisation in your own state. Marijuana is great, although I have not personally smoked it, because I'm not into that stuff. I'd rather be fully conscious and aware. I'm not that insecure, although I guess it would be fun to try it.

 Wonderful post. I was going to get into the business aspect of it myself. People do not believe me when I tell them the US was actually a HUGE trafficer of hemp back in the day.

If someone like yourself chooses not to smoke it, that is fine. You have that god given right to do so. As do those who choose to smoke.

Why can people not understand this? It is not created, it is not mixed together in some underground lab. It is grown in the ground for god's sake. He told Adam not to eat the Apple, he said nothing about the Cannibus. :D

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