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This is quite disappointing. In fact, it's downright unacceptable. From the thread title, I was hoping for an unintelligible assault on the community accompanied by a subsequent emotional breakdown... a la liborex. This was supremely less violent and offensive than I expected.

I request he be allowed back on for one hour so he can complain and/or insult everyone who ever wronged him. Come on Nsanity, you know you want to do this! Give everyone a piece of your mind. If the mods don't let you come back, then create an alt, and send me a PM telling in great detail why you believe some of the users here are idiots. I will then leak the contents for all of the public to hear. Your word will be heard!

Or at least create a thread titled "Uncharted 4 announced" with the actual post containing she-male porn.

The way I see it, you have two options: (1) You can go out silently in the night, where no one even notices or cares about your departure. People will look back and say "Hey, remember that guy Nsanity?" "Nope" "Yeah, me neither. Probably a loser"; or (2) You can make VGChartz history. People will look back and say "Hey, remember that Nsanity?" "Yeah, that guy was fucking awesome. Went out like a BOSS! When I masturbate, I pretend I'm actually Nsanity masturbating", etc. Think about that for a moment. Your legacy is in your own hands.