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Mummelmann said:
Wow, some of those names on that list actually caught me by surprise. Most of them; not so much!

And SmeagsNeedsBaning is awesome!

I'm also noticing more and more things like "XboneSucks" or "ShitStation" type of names popping up, a clear sign that a new generation has started. Long list for January, I'm thinking February won't be much better...

Anfebious; I've never been banned, I can't be 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only active members who's never been banned, especially considering how long I've been here. My profile views reflect this as well, I'm not nearly controversial enough!

I've never been banned either  

Although looking back at some of my posts I probably would have banned my back-in-the-day self a time or two. >_<