eyeofcore said:
Okay... It will go a few more weeks over 100K+ than last year... How can you be sure Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze won't do it? I mean, you see in Week 2 and Week 3 of 2014 are considerably better than Week 2 and Week 3 in 2013 by a good margin thus if things continue to go for the better then DKCTF has a chance to make Wii U sales break 100K+ for one week... Yoshi could do it also do it depending on when its released... Don't underestimate Hyrule Warriors... Musou games are very popular in Japan and have presence in USA and Europe so it has a good chance for week or two to make it break 100K+... X won't do it? Don't make me laugh... It is like saying Final Fantasy/good JRPG game won't make PlayStation 4 go over 100/200K+ for one or two weeks. What fact? Fact that this year indeed begun well while you try to damage control that fact? Are you ignoring the fact that Wii U sales improved vastly in Week 2 and 3 of 2014 compared to 2013 and that only Week 1 of 2014 was slightly worse than one of 2013 yet when we combine sales of those three weeks of 2013 and 2014 then we see that 2014 is ahead by almost 10% and that is a noticeable jump in sales. Problem is that people like you are failing to see the value... I would take Wii U any day over PlayStation 4 because the value is just too good to be true. I can get complete experience from Nintendo for just 300$ while I would need to spend 510$ on Sony or 620 on Microsoft route before having actual fun. |
Perceived value is entirely subjective, he could just as easily say that the problem is that you don't see the lack of value in a Wii U and he would be subjectively entirely in the right to do so. Also; why do you need to spend 510$ or 620$ to have actual fun on PS4 and One? Granted; you need software and that costs money but the games that are bundled with a Wii U aren't everyone's favorite like yours, so they might have to go out and buy software as well. You don't have to pay for online either if that was one point. What does "complete experience" mean in this setting, anyway?
My point is; perceived value is subjective. For instance; in my subjective opinion, all three 8th gen consoles have very poor value right now and the same goes for the vast majority of the software on them, while a lot of people would tell me I'm being ridiculous for buying a 1800$ gaming PC and they would also be correct following the logic of subjective, perceived value.
What you're essentially doing is attempting to make others conform to your taste and imposing your preferences as a higher standard, this is a complete waste of energy when discussing movies, music and games; there are some objetive criteria on which to judge titles and releases but on the whole, you personal feelings towards a song, film or video game will dictate whether to make a purchase or not, and only very rarely will these objective criteria I mentioned be a factor.
Edit; you also appear to have severely moderated your expectations and predictions. Not saying that's a bad thing, just pointing out that it makes your tone and analysis based on "research" on the forums only a couple of months back rather silly in very near hindsight.