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Shinobi-san said:
walsufnir said:
Shinobi-san said:
I think in the long run Titanfall will be bigger than Infamous. I think Titanfall has the potential to compete with Battlefield and COD.

The exclusivity will hurt it though.


I don't know what to believe anymore. If Xboners say TF is exclusive they get laughed at because it's also on 360 and PC.

Now when it's bad to be exclusive (hurting sales) other platforms aren't mentioned...

Its just my opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of exclusivity.

Some games benefit from exclusivity and other are hurt by it. I believe games like Uncharted, Gears, Halo, Gran Turismo etc. all the big ones that have mass appeal are negatively impacted by exclusivity.

Smaller unknown games that get an abnormal push from the publishers are positively impacted by it. Demons Souls i think is a good example of that.

Considering that Titanfall seems to have mass appeal, similar to that of COD, i think it will be negatively impacted by the exclusivity. So while it might sell 8 million on X1 it could have sold an additional 8 million on PS4.

In general though i think most games dont benefit from exclusivity.But thats just my take it on it...i dunno about everyone else.

Edit: I dont laught at people who say Titanfall is exclusive. It is exclusive to X1 where the PS4 is concerned.

I mostly agree with you and it wasn't meant especially against you but your opinion is seldom. Most people, in my opinion, talk about Titanfall because it is not on Playstation. Imagine it would've been the other way round... I think we wouldn't see so many "Titanfall not big" threads.

To me, I don't care if a game is exclusive. I just want good games, as easy as this. And buy the system which is more appealing to me.

To me, especially Tomb Raider and Mass Effect 3 were one of the best games this gen, both multis. I didn't have less fun with them because they are not exclusive. Of course I also enjoyed every Gears or Forza (especially Horizon) but not because they were exclusive but because they were great games.