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starcraft said:

A few days ago I posted a thread that contained links to Killzone 2 screenshots that I believed were new.  I was quickly shot down by a number of people that said the shots had been seen many months ago.  However upon discovering this I realised something, I haven't heard Sony talk about Killzone 2 in quite a while.  

Now many of you may say 'so what?'  And so I answer you with another question.  What was the last game that was exclusive to the PS3 that Sony hyped beyond belief, claiming it was going to show off the PS3's power and revolutionise gaming and then suddenly STOPPED talking about?  The answer, Lair...

I fully anticipated hearing a lot about Killzone 2 from Sony at GDC.  Many rightly point out that whilst many announcments are made at GDC's (GeoW2), they are primarily developer-based technical showcases.  However given Killzone 2's position as a graphical standard bearer for the PS3, I expected a strong showing from Sony this year.

To see if there was anything to collaborate the 'Lair-like' elusiveness of Killzone 2, I thought back through recent gaming news and went searching.  What I found were Surfer Girl rumours of Killzone 2's gameplay mediocrity, news of budget blowouts, rumours of complaints from Insomniac over Guerilla Games inefficiency and other industry websites claiming they are hearing that Killzone 2's gameplay doesn't set it apart from the genre's Turok's and Blacksite's and other mid-range to mediocre shooters.

I present none of this with the pretence that it is fact, I recognise that this is almost entirely speculation and adding together little bits of information that may not fit together in the end.  But I note that whilst Surfer Girl may be the first to make most of these claims, noone in the know has come out to correct her.  As the blogger in one of the links below points out, the first Killzone was missing something and if the parallels with Lair are a reality, Killzone 2 is as well......;410140369;fp;2;fpid;2

Guerilla could be slowing down release till enough PS3 are out so they can make thier money back remember the Japanese market probably wont buy this game!  its a 25 million dollar investment it better be good!