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For some reason, the only one that actually surprises me is Final Fantasy. Even the 3DS got FF, but a PlayStation - with which the series is closely associated - has not. The 3DS only got Theatrhythm, but still... if they localized Type-0 for the Vita, I think I'd buy one just for that game.

I think God of War is on hold for some time now (and I think that's the right move), Ascension generated next to no hype. It's already confirmed that Santa Monica is working on a PS4 game anyway. Also, my guess is that they don't want to release a lot of Uncharted titles. They announced the fourth game, it's gonna be THE PS4's killer app and then they'll be careful with what they do next.

Sony made a lot of dumb mistakes with the Vita, it's beyond salvation, imo.