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SubiyaCryolite said:
AstroGamer said:

I don't get why people are so obsessed with this. It's not like he can just announce something and everything will be fixed for Nintendo. Its a long drawn out process that can only go quickly if Nintendo decide to adhere to the market trends closely which destroys their fanbase. If he announces games now, it'll bring hope but unless they come out at a regular pace and within a year of their announcement. No game save the best game ever could get people to buy enough Wii u's to save it. Price drops won't fix a thing and meeting the small complaints of the current owners isn't going to sell much more consoles. 

Reggie and Nintendo talked up the Wii U as having games for everyone, having hardware parity with competitors, good 3rd party support and good online experiences. If they rode the WiiU well it could have had PSOne like sales and games. WiiU had the potential to be an instant classic, but instead we got.... this. I  dont trust anything they say anymore.

Nintendo has numerous issues that aren't just their fault. Whle they did damage themselves with weaker hardware, not expanding enough for HD development, not taking advantage of the gamepad much and believing the name Wii U would help draw in casuals, there were also issues in that regardless of what Nintendo did, mainstream gamers wouldn't come. The gaming media has downplayed Nintendo and the Wii over the course of the generation that mainstream gamers just think of Nintendo as either kiddie or stuck in the past or just makes Mario and Zelda games. And its hard to appeal to those guys since they only buy the big annualized franchises plus GTA and don't really research their games. That only leaves the small hardcore market that has too much variety to be appealed easily to. 

My Hummingbird

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