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007BondAgent said:

You have microsoft who just brought the gears IP, they also have titanfall, exclusive dlc's for the biggest games, dead rising 3 and so on.

Then you have sony.... 30 minutes of watchdogs dlc? No third party exclusives, besides an online f2p mmo that won't be out til atleast 2015. I respect sony's attitude towards indie gaming, but i didn't spend all this money to play some silly little 2 hour indie game.

Lastly. The only reason why i have a PS4 over the xbone is for 1 simple reason, i don't want to spend $500 on an underpowered console that plays inferior multiplats, but atleast the system has games, better games than the PS4 in fact.

Simple answer > Because Sony doesn't need to.

The Gears IP got bought cause Microsoft probably doesn't trust the BlackTusk Studios with a completely new IP which maybe doesn't hit the taste of their community.EPIC wanted probably to get rid of it as much as Microsoft wanted to own the IP to secure it away from Sony.
Cliffy B. back then said he would want to work with Sony but they don't have the possibility cause the Gears IP takes so much time.
With him the heart and soul of the Gears IP left - EPIC Games at the same time drooled hardcore over the PS4 and openly said they want to work with Sony and they probably knew too that they can't hold the quality level of the Cliffy B. Gears Games.
Gears was in their way to focus on new Projects wich will be > probably < Multiplat.
They love to bet safely - Bungie left cause they wanted to be known for other things and didn't want to stick with Halo for their lifetime.Pretty sure Microsoft didn't allow them Destiny(instead of Halo) as much as Molyneux wasn't allowed to make something different than Fable(suddenly GODUS appeared)

Titanfall is an obvious choice for them too.
It is basicly Call of Duty 2.0 and will print money in the USA.They would never have the interest in it if it would be Heavy Rain 2.0
And you can get in anyway on PC(definitive version) and 360 too.
I don't even want to say its a wrong choice - They want to support their community which is completely different than the one of Sony.
You simply can't bring tons of new IPs from a lot of different genres cause they aren't like that.
Microsoft needs to be as strong as possible in the USA cause they know as much as everyone else this is their only strong market.And that market combined with the Xbox Community works only with that kind of games.
Im pretty sure Heavy Rain wouldn't help them against the PS4 while at the same time something like that does help Sony Worldwide.

Dead Rising started with Xbox and fits there.
Sony got Deep Down wich looks a lot more interesting and is technically on a complete different level.We love our Dark Souls style games since the end of Last gen right?right!And cause we don't get Dark or Demon's souls on NextGen right now it is the only choice to play something like that without relying on PC or Last Gen > A true exclusive as it looks like right now =)
I rather have this than another Call of Duty/FPS
Sony is globally active and brings games for the people all over the world with different tastes while Microsoft simply doesn't in the same scale as Sony does.
Here and there they will bring something like Quantum Break but at the same time Sony pumps out 3-4 new IPs(and im pretty sure those new IPs will do better than Quantum Break cause the Sony Community accepts new things a lot better)
Quantic Dream said they have planned so many things for the PS4 and Sony is willing to help them like they did back then with Heavy Rain when Sony pumped a LOT of money into that absolutely unsecure Game.

No 3rd Party Exclusives?
There are enough technically.
They could spend 200 Million on Final Fantasy 15,Kingdom Hearts 3,Metal Gear Solid and a lot of others but why?
Those games will sell at least 80% of its lifetime units on the PS4.No one combines them with the Xbox brand.They didn't when the Xbox was on its high Last Gen and they surely won't when it is standing in the shadow of the PS4 in this One.
Not so Mainstream Games will also do better on the PS4 most of the time.
With that money they spared they can actually fund new games of their first and 2nd party.
Instead of spending 50 Million on DLC they create 3-4 new High Quality IPs they will OWN and don't have to buy or fear to lose.Im pretty sure AssaCreed DLC and so on doesn't cost that much.Its just a thank you for supporting the Sony Version of the game.

I can have a storage room full of beans sometimes interrupted by a can of something else that doesn't taste that good or i can cook myself a ton of different delicious foods with a bunch of variety of ingredients from all over the world with my secret recipe locked down in my safe no one could steal away from me.
I personally choose the 2nd option cause i would get bored hardcore of beans where the only difference between them is the brand name.
And sometimes its good to eat together a can of Beans but then i choose those that have better resolu... i mean taste =)