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Garcian Smith said:
Dno said:
Torillian said:
I wouldn't count WKS as AAA til it's out Dno. New IP's are never shoe ins for AAA status. Personally I think it's true that the 360 is definitely better for RPG's right now. Whether that will remain true in the future is debatable.

you are very right i agree but im going off of what level 5 has done in the past. they no RPGs in fact there was a site that said "are they the new sqare enix"?. they make good stuff and if this sucks or gets lower then an 80% on metric ill be surprised.

I also think the xbox is better for RPGS but thats only by default. other systems are to new for huge RPG games and lets face it if Square and Level 5 are working with sony... its gonna be the best RPG system... i think thats easy to say. we can debate if you want but only time will tell.

 Square-Enix has more games announced for the DS than anything else. The only games, as I recall, that they have announced for the PS3 ae FFXIII, FF Versus XIII, and The Last Remnant (multiplatform with the 360). Same for Level 5; the only game they're making for the PS3 is Valkyria Chronicles, while they have four games in development for the DS.

DS is the true RPG platform we have right now, but the 360 is king as far as home consoles go thus far.

360 is king so far.... and if ff13 is better then all 360 rpgs (which it will be) then to me ps3 is king....

and DS has so many ports that it matter not to me. but yes 360 and DS have more rpgs but NOT better.