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Mr Puggsly said:
FlamingWeazel said:

So your own arguments only work when it works in favour of Microsoft??? LOL. it works both ways and the fact that you are now spinning your own argument speaks volumes. I just showed how it works for both systems. You do not get to determine what is noteworthy. Infamous outsold and has a much higher meta then crackdown, by either measure it is more noteworthy, and with the hype and sales Second son will get.........


Killzone is the highest selling exclusive next gen.  ODSt was noy a good game, it only sold and got the attention it did because it had HALO in the title.

Crackdown has a pretty good metacritic, basically at par with Infamous. Like I said, if you want to consider Infamous noteworthy than I think Crackdown is noteworthy as well. I'm just saying they're in the same league.

Killzone is the highest selling exclusive 8th gen game at the moment. Its nice to see a shooter do well for once. How is Knack doing?

ODST is good. Especially after a session of Killzone.

You are now devolving into useless Strawman arguments and opinion. point still stands, both have less noteworthy games, and some noteworthy ones, Sony had a lot mroe of them that's fast whether you want to admit it or not.


Last crackdown had a meat of 70.....and sold a lot worse so not not close.


Again, your own argument, works for you only when it favours MS, you are just a  bit biased.