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Mr Puggsly said:
FlamingWeazel said:
aryu said:

Although I hate to admit it but Puggsly is correct that some of the games mentioned would not be considered noteworthy if they were 3rd party titles. Especially games like KZ3.

?? That works with every platform, see crack down, Kameo. remember the hype about Too human? Ryse a perfect example of a poor game getting way more attention then it deserves just because it was x1 exclusive.


If Halo ODSt never had halo in the title it woudl have been a  bomb.

Crackdown was great fun. If we're going to pretend KZ or Infamous are noteworthy, then Crackdown is automatically noteworthy.

Ryse was interesting, its selling pretty good because its a launch game, but its not going to be remembered as a great game.

Why wouldn't ODST have Halo in the name? Its part of the series.

So your own arguments only work when it works in favour of Microsoft??? LOL. it works both ways and the fact that you are now spinning your own argument speaks volumes. I just showed how it works for both systems. You do not get to determine what is noteworthy. Infamous outsold and has a much higher meta then crackdown, by either measure it is more noteworthy, and with the hype and sales Second son will get.........


Killzone is the highest selling exclusive next gen.  ODSt was noy a good game, it only sold and got the attention it did because it had HALO in the title.