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Only sign up your Brawl Code in this thread if you intend to add everyone on it. I will close this list at 25 entrants. If there is a good response and people have added everyone...I will expand it to an additional 25.

This thread is intended for people on the bottom of the other list, or members who aren't as popular who never seem to get added. Consider this the Outsiders Brawl. Insiders can join of course, but only if you intend to add EVERYONE on this list, which considering the limitation of the Friend Code allowance eliminates most.

When you have added people just do an Edit and say: Added 1-6, or 1-12..., etc.

Please expect people to take at least 24 hours to update their lists. Many post while at work or school....and Nintendo seems to take a bit to get the data updated.

Edit: added 1-25


*****List is currently closed******

1. super_etecoon (ETCON): 0430-7947-8544
2. Possum5454 (Bryan): 0258-9946-8265
3. mesoteto ( ): 4725-7688-6787 (Updated with Correction)
4. rasone77 (Snug): 0130-1460-6991
5. lemieux-rules66 (): 1934-0330-4565
6. Twesterm (Tommy): 0559-6463-1366
7. Wasumara (WASMR): 5370-0082-7840
8. sabroso50 (NEO): 0645-5420-5237
9. thekitchensink (PIKL): 0001-2996-7794
10. Xeo_842 (Xeo_3) 2835-9798-8233
11. le_patriote (KEBEC): 0860-2912-9428
12. pichu_pichu ( ): 0387-8438-1349
13. Gamerace (Chaos): 0946-1885-4791
14. brawl4life (PWNED): 5455-9066-6336
15. mike_intellivision ( ): 2019-9321-8084
16. arsenalrc15 (ROMIR): 3909-7204-4991
17. Baddman (ROMNY): 0731-4466-2830
18. Fazz (Fazz): 3909-7207-4150
19. Dose (DOZ): 4553-9714-1744
20. Grey Acumen (GreyA): 3222-5231-0951
21. RDBRaptor (RDB): 5026-4090-4491
22. BCrayfish (BlueC): 4940-5129-1316
23. rockstarjerry (jerry): 0688-4936-9531
24. tarheel91 (Scott): 0774-3930-8915
25. Dragonos (Aris): 0087-2011-4629
26. Cebrian

*****List is currently closed*****

If everyone adds and finds that this system works out, we will open the list to add more people. It seems that when a list gets too large people are overwhelmed and don't input everyone. We're going to keep it small to make it a bit more manageable.