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IMO the battle system is what makes pokemon, pokemon.

Turn based battles are also the perfect place to use the gamepad (alongside the pokedex/gear) to control the battles whilst the action takes place on the TV.

I do like the idea of returning to Kanto, and slowly increasing the size of the world (although I think your pricing is way off, it should be no more than £20 for the new region and the older regions only a modest discount, say £15). I also like the idea of a persistently online world, but without going full MMO. Maybe each area they take 5-10 other players of a similar level and insert them into your world, replacing a portion of the computer trainers in the process.

I think the one thing a console Pokémon needs to do to be successful (let's not forget that there were 2 on the 'cube, and they both bombed) is still be a Pokémon game. You could set it as a third person adventure, with jumping and over the shoulder camera and more exploration. You could even switch the majority of random battles for ones where you see the pokemon and choose to fight (a la xenoblade), but the battle mechanics have to be sacred.