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Game so nice I bought it trice is coming up soon with Fable Anniversary Edition I also own the original and lost chapters on X-Box its the second game I own three times since I also own RE Code Name Veronika on the Dreamcast, PS2 and 360 . I also bought RE4 twice got the GameCube and 360 version. Others are SoulCalibur 2 (X-Box, 360), GTA 3 (PS2, X-Box) NBA 2k2 (Dreamcast, X-Box), RE 1 (PS1, Gamecube), Jack and Dexter (PS2, PS3) Onimusha (PS2, X-Box) Metal Gear Solid (PS1, Gamecube), Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2, X-Box) Crazy Taxi (Dreamcast, 360), Jet Set/Grind Radio (Dreamcast, 360) Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis, 360), Gun (X-Box, 360).