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I recently found both God of War 3 and the HD collection of GoW1&2 at a really good price. I've gotten pretty far in the first (I think), I last saved at an underwater save spot if you know where I'm talking about. I've played for almost 7 hours, so it was longer than I expected.

But it's really hard too! The place where you had to defeat lots of normal enemies and then the enemies who "gaze" at you and turn you to stone if you're not dodging, before you can lower a rope to the underground section with a Shield of Hades, that place was REALLY HARD.

So for you who have played them all, is GoW 2 and 3 as hard as the first? And are they similar in length?

I'm playing on God (Normal) and I think it's really challenging but also satisfying when you finally manage to get to the next checkpoint. I'm also thinking about getting the HD collection vol. 2 with the PSP remasters.
