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pezus said:
Samus Aran said:

Battlefield series
Burnout series
Command & Conquer series
Crysis series
Dead Space series
Dragon Age series
FIFA series
Fight Night series
Harry Potter series
Madden NFL series
Mass Effect series
Medal of Honor series
NBA Live series
NCAA Football series
Need for Speed series
NHL series
Rock Band series
SimCity series
The Simpsons series
The Sims series
Skate series
SSX series
Star Wars series

According to wiki those are their game franchises. Why on earth would I want to play any of those games? Most of them are just generic games that get yearly rehashes. Or even worse, licensed games.

I'm not a kid anymore, so I don't play FPS games. Because that's what kids like to do, pretend that they're soldiers. I never understood why people think those games are adult.

I'm pretty sure kids like to play FIFA as much as adults. Kids also like Star Wars games and Harry Potter(which is by the way definitely aimed at kids).

Ok, SSX 3 was a great game, I'll give them that. And I did enjoy the Sims when I was a kid. Haven't played one in ages though, so I don't know how the franchise is doing right now, quality wise that is. 

How on earth you can become the third biggest game company with shovelware like that is beyond me. I guess they're just riding on the sucess of big sports like football. And the popularity that FPS sadly still seem to have with the mainstream crowd. 

Those who play FPS games are pretending to be soldiers...Then what are those who play platformers doing, lol? Or games like Smash Bros with explicit violence.

BF: One of the best MP FPS games
Burnout: Best arcade racing series
Need for Speed: Second best arcade racing series
Command and Conquer: Used to be one of the best RTS series
Dragon Age and Mass Effect: Some of the best RPG series of the 7th gen
FIFA: Best sports game almost every year
Fight Night: Great boxing series
The Sims: Unique life simulator
Skate series: Topped Tony Hawk as the best skating series
SSX: Awesome
Star Wars series: You dismiss this?? They could make lots of awesome things with this. Heard of Battlefront, Jedi Knight or KotoR?

The fact that you manage to call ALL THAT shovelware is mindboggling to me. They have undeniably some of the best and biggest franchises of any 3rd party publisher out there.

First of, Star Wars is a great idea, but even the movies are horrible. All of them. There's like two women in the original trilogy, one black guy, the fighting scenes are ridiculously bad(even for that time), the storm troopers are complete jokes who never seem to hit anything, too many plotholes to take serious anymore, the big bad guy just gets thrown in a shaft as if he was a nobody, etc

Like I said, I really like the idea of Star Wars, but the movies are overrated. The only Star Wars game I ever liked was Battlefront. And they were made by LucasArts before EA got their dirty hands on it. 

You really think those yearly FIFA rehashes are the best sports games out there? Sports games must really suck hard if that's true lol. It's the most milked out game franchise in the world. It's the same game over and over again with an up to date database and some new additions. The same goes for all their other sports franchises. 

SSX used to be a great franchise, it's been about 10 years since the last great SSX came out. Now it just sucks. 

Battlefield is just another FPS in an industry with way too many FPS games. 

I think it's mindbogling people keep buying their uninspired games(with the exception of a couple of good franchises like DA and ME)

Sure, they have some of the biggest franchises, but in a world where the Bible is the most read book and where Justin Bieber is a super star that means absolutely nothing.