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makingmusic476 said:
starcraft said:
Pooper is right. It will be surprising to many fans when the Xbox 720 launches of the back of the 360 defeating PS3:)

Props to pooper.

So you admit that that the 360 will be unable to sustain it's lead over the ps3 on it's own? :P

Er, I cannot see where I said that either directly or indirectly.  I said that the Xbox 720 will almost certainly launch with the Xbox 360 still in front of the PS3.  Perhaps sometime after the 720 (and the PS4 that will be out no later than 6 yrs after the PS3's launch) the PS3 will overtake the 360, but the lead won't be significant enough to gain any exclusive developer support (especially given the Wii will likely be 50 million consoles in front by then).  Given developer support is the only reason reasonable people care about the console wars, I'd say the point is fairly moot.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS