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Not a "dead" IP,  Metroid is guaranteed Million Seller, it's latest release, Metroid Other M (2010 Wii), was outcasted by the many fans who disliked the story.


Former Million Seller, it's last appearance was in 2003 with F-Zero GX and F-Zero GP Legend, which both had lower sales than expected.


StarFox is usually a Million Seller, with the exception of StarFox Command (2006 DS) tarFox 64 3D (2011 3DS).

Eternal Darkness

One of the GameCube's most rembered games, yet it failed to push half a million copies.


Nntendo's second installment in the series, it had an unspecified amount of sales, so...

What game do you think will be resurected an released this year? Any IP you expect to be brought back this year?