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FinalFantasyXIII said: If I wanted to see leaves and blades of grass so bad I would just go outside. The eyeball resolution is amazing-zing! 

What is the relevance of your post to the thread. You seem quite peeved about something but you are not even interested in this particular game. Someone mentioned that Nintendo games generally are quite colourful and they are. So, you go around and nit-pick a multitude of screenshots depicting only one of the said colours. 

What is your concern with this game or resolution. When the most underrated game ever can run at the same resolution and half the frame rate of this game; yet it can be appealing to someone like you. What is your concern with this particular game's resolution? 

As for your above statement. Yes, it is true that you can go outside and see the world that looks better than any video game. Essentially ending the debate and need for better, realistic graphics. 

I also hope you now understand that the FF13 was going for something worse than the blurry NES feel. (Nintendo is going for that NES pixelated blurry oldschool feels. Smart move ;))