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DanneSandin said:
AnthonyW86 said:
''This list makes it quite apparent that the Playstation and Xbox crowd isn't that interested in Nintendo like games''

Correct, because people who like Nintendo like games buy a Nintendo system. If they didn't have that option, they would just buy these games on a different system.

Many people(probably most) bought a Wii for the motion controls. Still because of this larger install Nintendo managed to sell much more of their other franchises aswell.

But would they really? Think about this now, really think about it: if Nintendo fans don't even wanna buy a $300 Nintendo console, do you REALLY think they will buy a console for $400 or $500? Maybe they would rather pay $200 and STILL get Nintendo games? That would be great news for the 3DS...

There is no reason why they wouldn't release their games for X360 and PS3 aswell, wich are actually cheaper than even a 3DS. Besides both systems already have huge install bases, and that's the most important thing.

Releasing their games for all systems would mean selling millions of copies more of every single game compared to the very smalll install base the WIi-U is likely to achieve. And if they ever have a good idea like the Wii's motion controls they could just release it as an extra, something like Activision did with Guitar Hero.