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Mr Khan said:
oniyide said:
Mr Khan said:
oniyide said:

its called the blue ocean, the blue ocean isnt around anymore, judging by the lower sales of blue ocean type software and HW but some people still are in denial. They went to the phones and tablets or they just stopped playing games, period. Pick your poison.

The blue ocean is *always* around. The point of it is that nobody is hunting there.

iOS and android is

That makes iOS and Android the red ocean. You have to read at least a summary of the source material here.

The first iPhone followed the blue ocean strategy. It brought multitouch and a user interface working smoothly without (most) hardware buttons to the table and combined phone, MP3-player and PDA.

The first iPad also followed the blue ocean strategy. The only tablets before that were heavy, clunky and without a multitouch user interface.

Even iTunes was a blue ocean strategy: the first legal way to easily download songs, with 30-second-previews and the option between buying whole albums or individual songs.

Android on the other hand...