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After the release of Nintendo's financial forcast followed by all the gloom and doom articles, one like myself looks back and remembers the early days of the PS3. A time when Sony, kindof like Nintendo at the start of this gen, thought their brand was unbeatable, and it end up costing them billions and the PS3 itself not even turning a profit until 2010. Thing is, Sony did a complete turn around with the PS3 by turning it into a strong console with a strong lineup and eventually becoming one of the best selling home consoles in history at 82.5 million and still going strong, and eventually becoming a success story overall. So the thought is, is it possible for the Wii-U to turn around like the PS3 did? While I'm pretty sure the Wii-U is nowhere near where the PS3 was at this point in it's life, it still hasn't cost Nintendo as much as the PS3 did for Sony. What do you guys think?

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon