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oniyide said:
Lenny93 said:
Metallicube said:
drake4 said:

They need to just go thirdparty on consoles, they just don't have the core market that sony and microsoft, they can't compete and nintendo knows that and thats why they made the wii, and it was a huge success but thats not happening again the blue ocean market has moved on, they are stuck with out a market and no third party support, chances of being succesful are nearly impossible, the console is really hurting the company, they better focusing on handhelds and making x1 and ps4 games.

As I've harped on a million times, it was not the MARKET that moved on.. It was NINTENDO that moved from them. The market is always there. Think about it, how could a mass of 80 million-or-so, all somehow collectively decide to move on and change their tastes, all at once? Doesn't make sense.. What DOES make sense is that THEY were the ones who were abandoned by Nintendo. For it was NINTENDO that oddly decided regress back to hardcore Gamecube style games with the Wii U, and throw a much more complex and intimidating controller than the Wiimote at them.. Even the Wii sequels they are releasing count as "core" type games now, as they are merely sequels and seek to bring in an audience that already exists. NINTENDO were the ones who decided to swim back into the red ocean, as they did with N64, Gamecube, and (somewhat) SNES. And as history has taught us, Red Ocean Nintendo never wins..

People always like to say how Nintendo is "doomed." Well, I would say that it is not Nintendo that is doomed.. it is "Red Ocean" version of Nintendo that is doomed. Blue Ocean Nintendo (NES/Wii) thrives, and dominates. This is the Nintendo people want to see, but they aren't getting the games that they want.. I'm talking about the mass market audience, who Nintendo abandoned after the NES, and again after the Wii. These people ARE still there, and they want quality games. REAL games, not that budget junk that populates smart phones.

Nintendo simply needs to return to their arcade roots (as they did with the Wii). The simple to learn-tough to master kinds of games that made both the NES and the Wii such a smash hit.. Nintendo could absolutely dominate yet again, if only they would wisen up and realize this.. The scary thing is, I think they KNOW this, but they REFUSE to do it, as Nintendo tends to be a stubborn kind of company that insists on making the kinds of games THEY want to make. Unfourtunately, the kinds of games they want to make often are not the games that people want to play, and vice versa..

Nintendo going third party is NO solution, unless your solution happens to be to kill the comapny.

You get it. This is the reason the Wii U has failed to take off. The reason why the Wii and DS were such huge successes was because of games like Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Nintendogs and Brain training. The wii mote and touch screen allowed for more intuitive control that appealed to the casual market. Nintendo abandoning the blue market strategy is the stupidest things they have done, Gameboy Advance and Gamecube are examples of what sales numbers nintendo should expect without appealing to casual gamers and 3ds and Wii U seemed headed there.

the Wii U has those games you mentioned and if they dont they are getting them whats Wii u's problem then?


You just imagined all these games. They're not real. Toy poodle is totally hardcore.