It's going to be interesting seeing Nintendo and Sony forecast the 14'-15' year. I don't buy that PS3 is going to get particularly close to 100m anymore, it's going to be down by 50% in most markets in 2014-2015 after ending up around 85m or 86m shipped in the fiscal year, and Wii is going to end up right around 101m-102m. X360 will be down a ton too globally in 2014. PS3 should be at 90m ish in March 2015, 92m ish in March 2016, and then die out right around 93m. X360 will probably get to about 90m
The old systems will still be somewhat important - the Wii SW forecast for 13'-14', amidst all Nintendo's downgrades, was upped from 20m to 26m. PS3 will be bigger than PS4 in FY 14'-15' for SW even though PS4 will kick PS3's ass for HW, and I'm not fully convinced yet that Wii U sw will be bigger than Wii sw in 2014-2015, but it should probably be around 30m, with Wii sw around 10-15m. X360 software will remain much larger than X720 software in 2014-2015 as well.
People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.
When there are more laws, there are more criminals.
- Lao Tzu