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JWeinCom said:
:-/ I genuinely feel bad about the Vita. I love handheld gaming, and it's sad to see the only viable handheld line outside of the DS go, but I don't see how the Vita could be viable in the US. Sony has perhaps $50 of wiggle room on the price, and no huge franchises to bank on. It's hard to see retailers continuing to stock the Vita or Western third parties supporting it. Sony just never seemed to have their hearts in it. Maybe they just designed the Vita intending for it to be a niche console in Japan.

I love the Vita but SCEA has completely dropped the ball here. They gave up on the system by the end of 2012 and released next to nothing since then. Games like Killzone Mercenary and Tearaway were just sent out to die with no marketing. The only games left for the system are indie titles and some Japanese ports. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!