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Train wreck said:
ethomaz said:

Random ltd

Sonic LW ~ 82k
101 ~ 49k
Pikmin3 ~ 210k
Wario ~ 36k
MH3U ~ 93k
LEGO city ~ 242k

WiiU ~ 88k
360 ~ 42k
PS3 ~ 30k

360 ~ 55k
PS3 ~ 53k
WiiU ~ 13k

So knack outsold the majority of Wii U's lineup in the US...kinda sad

and W101 is 30k over

I get the feeling most of the Wii U audience is just the extreme Nintendo fanatic who will buy Mario/Zelda/Smash/Mario Kart/maybe DKC and has no time/interest in really anything else (even other Nintendo IP). Knack sales are fairly awful on their own too, Sony is having a miserable time with 1st/2nd party sales.