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Yes I know Im a MS fan and all, but I wasnt always. I used to be heavily Nintendo sided. And in all honesty I havent been interested in anything Nintendo have done in the last 10 years. But hold on. This Wii U thing is doing something to me. Its bringing my interest back into Nintendo. Why?

I have just watched all the DKC Tropical Freeze stuff and Super Mario 3D World and I have to say those 2 games look absolutely amazing. I really really want to play these 2 games and The Wii U isnt exactly that expensive. I feel like these 2 games are enough new ideas but still keeping the snes charms of the originals. They havent butchered my faveourite 16 bit games. Instead they made me remeber I love them.

What else is coming for Wii U that looks and feels as amazing as the 2 titles I just mentioned. Cmon Nintendo fans, push me over the edge. I am really feeling like a Wii U would be an amazing compliment for Xbox One.