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I actually this is going to be a change from previous Nintendo machines ... it won't require specific software for it but will be general "Nintendo game player" in tablet form.

Meaning it'll be able to run ports of 3DS and possibly even certain Wii U games.

Iwata made a comment that kinda foreshadowed this IMO. 

A Nintendo tablet that launches with a catalog of existing Nintendo games like say Super Mario Galaxy, Monster Hunter 4G, Mario Kart 8, and olde legacy games like Super Mario World, Zelda: OoT, etc. ... think of it more of a way for Nintendo to offer their games in a different market/form factor.

That's what I think is happening. Nintendo doesn't have the internal software resources to make three different sets of games for three different hardware but they certianly could go this route. It would also give them an avenue to squeeze more money out of Wii U projects as the system is likely not bringing them the software sale returns they would like.