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axumblade said:
Zappykins said:

So that's why we share so many dreams!

The fact that we are alts is even more funny with your picture.   Years ago I was at a party having a great time. And there was this guy, that looked just like the younger brother of I guy I used to date. Knowing he had like 9 brothers.  I went over to talk to him, but he was so increadibly shy and frail it was off putting.  I was so enthusastic and having fun, just don't bring myself to go down to his garded level.  So I passed him asside.

I didn't realize till my friend asked a few days later if I met Leonardo at the party.  It was too funny.

LOL! I'm assuming this was during his earlier acting days as opposed to post Catch Me If You Can era? That's an awesome story. lol. I wish I could meet him. But then again, he's one of the few actors I'd be ginuinely starstruck to meet. 

Kind in the middle.  He was well respected by actors.  He was shooting Romeo and Juliette at the time.

The funny thing is I thought he was shorter than me, but he is a few inches taller.  Was just acting so meek it was off putting.  He struck me as so shy and delicate that I would be immensely boared with him.  Reminded me of people I had dated that were so shy that it becomes an issue.

I kinda felt a little bad.  We locked eyes and I rejected him. (Sorry Leo if you are reading this.)  I though he was cute-ish, but kinda 'meh' in my opinion. Another friend actually caught me doing this on camera when I was interiviewing a screen writer.  After the shoot he was like, "That guy flirted with you and you totally rejected him!"  He caught the exact moment on camera.  Would rewind it and play it over and over.  It was kinda funny.

There was another time I asked this guy in my way to move out of my way as I was walking down the street and he was blocking it.  He turns around and it's Chris Farley.  He was funny, moved his collection of model friends asside, and bowed like 'Yes, your magesty to me."


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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