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phil said:
Sansui said:
Not to mention that digitally distributed media doesn't have the environmental impact of physically produced goods. No plastic that will live on longer than we can imagine, no CO2 emissions. It's a good way to reduce your carbon footprint. 

You seem to be ignoring the environmental impact of the infrastructure required for digital distribution of media.  Those cables, routers, and datacenters all require energy, steel, concrete, and in the case of the electronics, lots and lots of silicon, which is very nasty to make.  It's probably not as bad as plastic, but it's also not as clean as you think.

Nothing we produce is truly clean, there is always something.  The key is reducing emissions and waste, and if you think the carbon footprint involved in distributing 5 million copies of a game from a datacenter is anywhere near the footprint produced from factories printing, packaging, and shipping those same 5 million game copies worldwide, you are delirious.