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To answer a few questions; yes unfortunately my gaming is limited somewhat by my medical problems. For a start, I can't use 3D at all, so my 3DS isn't being used to it's full potential. That said, I also find the 3DS (and the Vita for that matter) too small. I have problems with my wrists and fingers dislocating over time so I can't game for too long. For this reason I prefer 360 controllers, though my favourite controller is the original Xbox controller S, (the Duke wasn't bad either). The PS3 controller, and even the PS4 controller are too small for me and the Wii-Mote is outright painful. I use something called the XEOX controller for the PS3, it's a 360 style controller. Far better for me.

As for other gaming, motion control is outright out. I cannot stand, I can't waggle controllers or tilt accurately. Even simply things like the copter power-up in NSMBWii practically ruined that game for me because it would hurt my wrists to do it.

Certain art styles and colour pallets are also a problem for me too. Anything with overly harsh contrast can trigger my migraines and cause seizures, same with excessive particle effects. Some of the worst offenders for me for this are 'Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island', 'Madworld' and the 'Borderlands' series to name just a few. Certain forms of cell-shading seem to trigger it for me, which is weird, my eyes just struggle to process it.

One of the worst things for me is that I've always had good reflexes and my joints in my fingers are starting to deteriorate now. I'm one of the few people who can boast that I've beaten games like 'Battletoads', 'Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)', and 'Devil May Cry 3' (the original release, not the rebalanced re-release). Now, I'm sure my skill at these kinds of games is dropping and that's something that does bother me as I'm beginning to realise I'm either going to have to play "easy modes" or stop playing 3D brawlers and platformers, which are my current favourite genres.

Anyway. Thanks for the warm welcomes.