osed125 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Huh, well here is the very short counter to those three points;
1) Not it isn't. If they went, Sony and MC would have increased share prices and nothing bad would happen to them or their millions of customers.
2)Wrong. A touch pad is not innovative as that has been around for years. Full audio command integrations is innovative (although useful is another arguement entirely). Also more powerful consoles allows for innovative software.
3)Eh? That is just fan speak. They have not had an original IP for years, nor gameplay. Look at the Indy games smashing everything apart.
I heard of people not reading the OP, but not reading the tittle is a whole new level.
Erm, I am agreeing with OP.....it's just the condenced/far more snappy version of what OP said.
When dealing with fans, you have to be as blunt as a hammer, so you can bet many people would argue with OP over this from not reading or deluding themselves. The only way to get anywhere is by being short and simple.