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snyps said:
chris_wing said:

It's not just momentary frame drops, just go look at the DF video with the PS360 version of AC4 running mostly between 32 & 26 FPS consistantly (with an occasional momentary drop, especially on PS3) but the Wii U version struggles to maintain even 24 FPS and goes all over the map when stuff is actually happening, spending lots of time in 20 fps land. "The biggest issue with the Wii U version is its lacklustre performance level, the game visibly struggling even to match the inconsistent update of the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game." - Digital Foundry

I watched the video just now and can see your point.  That's an unusual case it seems.  Not most cases.  I would still not say it has trouble running it.  I play the game everyday on Wii U and it's glorious.  In the video i can't see the difference except numerically.

The game does look nice across the board, but the Wii U version runs the worst & I'm guessing sold the worst.  Couple that with the alleged SDK problems/headachs & you can see why most 3rd parties are backing away and leaving the Wii U.

off topic:  It's starting to feel like Nintendo requiring their own hardware to play their games is kind of like if Disney stuck with HDDVD and forced people to buy an HDDVD player if they want to watch their movies.  It just seems kind of anti-consumer to hold your games hostage on hardware that doesn't have any other real support.

This isn't the position Nintendo wanted to be in, you remember all the talk about the Wii U being a system designed for 3rd parties and all the promises Nintendo made about great 3rd party support.  This isn't how they wanted it to be.