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vivster said:
"Breaking news!

New job offers at Naughty Dog for carpenters with previous experience in trophy shelf construction."

They said that most of their trophy cabinet was filled with Uncharted 2 trophies, this seems to have almost matched that game's level of success

I think it is well deserved. It probably isn't the most fun video game, but it is so well constructed and moved me more than any other game. I played it shortly after the Walking Dead and to me the differences showed what make video games the best medium. The way that the story ties into the gameplay really draws you rather than boring you with "nearly game" mechanics. TV shows are great, but the characters just can't draw you in in the same way that something like the Last of Us can.

Can't wait to see what we're going to get from them in 2014

For any ND fans, I strongly reccomend IGN's history of Naughty Dog. They just posted "the Uncharted years" but I highly reccomend reading from the start if you haven't.