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mrjuju said:
I'm not at all claiming either reviewer bias or my opinion as fact, you read that into my post yourself. In fact, never once did I claim I hated the game, in fact I liked my time with it, the problem is that it was not, as so many claim it to be, groundbreaking. It brought nothing new to the table save for pretty graphics, and actually took several steps backwards from its spiritual forefather in several key areas of gameplay.

To act as though Bioshock had no flaws is...well, flawed thinking.

You mentioned in your original post, "to go to the well again on this one might only serve to make those flaws more apparent and may lose fanbase." That sounds like it goes beyond your opinion of the game and into what the general consensus will think of the sequel. This is how I came to the conclusion you were upping your opinion as fact. If that wasn't your intention then that's fine. 

I too don't think BioShock was without flaws, just trying to point out how much the average BioShock player is not thinking it had such massive flaws as "lack of originality in game play, massively predicable storyline, repetitive enemies, really bad enemy AI".


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.