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I'm not at all claiming either reviewer bias or my opinion as fact, you read that into my post yourself. In fact, never once did I claim I hated the game, in fact I liked my time with it, the problem is that it was not, as so many claim it to be, groundbreaking. It brought nothing new to the table save for pretty graphics, and actually took several steps backwards from its spiritual forefather in several key areas of gameplay.

To act as though Bioshock had no flaws is...well, flawed thinking.


Edit: And how did you get that I hated it when I directly said that it SUCCEEDED dispite it's flaws? I straight up said the game worked, and that my fear was that a follow up, if done in the same way, could bring to light the games flaws. Think of it like "The Matrix" - the first one was cool, but had massive flaws that were overlooked due to what it did right (in this case being groundbreaking, in Bio's case looking cool and being diferent from 99% of the FPS population out there), when the sequels came out they were decidedly less cool, dispite the fact that they were, at their core, the same type of film. Suddenly the flaws in the formula were aparent. Go on and watch The Matrix now, after the sequels, suddenly the overwhelming preachness of the whole thing shines through, the attempt to sound philisophical by saying things that sound philisophical, the almost hairbrained attempt to darw a Croninburgian level of man/machine interaction, all all there, just waiting to come out. Yet the film is still enjoyable, just not quite what it would have been if not for Reloaded and Revolution (that was what it was, right, the name just escaped me for a minute). That is my fear for Bioshock, that an enjoyable (if not a little vapid) experence will become less enjoyable when it is strectched on too long, it happened with The Matrix, it almost happened to KOTOR (thank god it avoided that fate), and it will happen to movies and games long after I'm dead ond gone, just the way the world works...

 On the other hand, if they change up the formula a bit, and try to rectify the games shortcomings, all of this is null, and I'll gladly take back what I said, but if EA has anything to due with it...well, let's worry about that if it happens.

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