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mrjuju said:
So will this be a further dumbed down version of System Shock, or will it be a dumbed down version of Bioshock 1?

Either way, I doubt 2K will be able to catch lightning in a bottle twice on this one, Bioshock succeeded despite it's flaws (lack of originality in game play, massively predicable storyline, repetitive enemies, really bad enemy AI), to go to the well again on this one might only serve to make those flaws more apparent and may lose fanbase.
On the other hand, slap some shiny graphics on it, and it will probably sell like gangbusters...
You talk like you're speaking on an industry standard of quality about Bioshock and not your severe minority of an opinion. There are 89 reviews at gamerankings for Bioshock which averages a 95.3 for 360 and a 95.1 for PC. There are 28 perfect reviews and only 2 out of 89 reviews actually dip below a 90 (85 and 80). You can't claim reviewer bias 89 times considering most of them have probably played System Shock and still scored Bioshock well. If you hate BioShock, that's fine, hate on. Just don't spread that opinion like it's a fact.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.