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I did a bit of reading today in my free time about the PS3's architecture the SPU's , RSX  I understood it to some extent but basicly most of it went over my head. In the early years of the PS3 the general consesus was that it couldn't be properly utlised because it's creators didn't have the developers in mind but rather only kept the business benefits of the PS3's architecture in mind. I read about how the 360's architecture was more fit for purpose than the PS3's for general gaming.

1 year later we've seen amazing titles come out for the PS3 such as Uncharted claiming to use only a third to half of the PS3's SPU's (whether that means that the game is only half as graphicaly or the physics where only half as advnaced is beyond me , if some one would care to elaborate that would be cool)

A more recent article suggested that despite the increase in developer knowledge of the PS3 only big budget PS3's exclusive games would be the only type of title that may fully utilise the PS3 and possibly surpass the 360's capabilities.

 Neither Sony nor microsoft have released too much information about the capabilities of their consoles , I don't even think the developer community knows the full extent of the PS3's capabilities, whether or not they've reached them or the possibility or even more improvment. The 360 will possibly get maxed out earlier as to my understanding it's architecture isn't too different from a computer so the only real limitation is the Hardware as opposed to developer skills.

 I have a general interest in this type of stuff anyway but my main motivation to learn about the PS3's architecture was to understand it's full potential , i'd hate to buy a 360 only to find that the PS3's got all these super CGI looking games in a year or two. 

 PS: If heard the new final fantasy title for the PS3 has near CGI gfx , is this true ?