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superhippy420 said:
reggin_bolas said:
I have a question, if Nintendo lowered the cost of the Wii U to 1 dollar and it inevitably sold over 100 million copies. Would Nintendo technically win this gen (assuming it sold more than the competition)?

It seems like the only way to move those units is to heavily discount them like what happened in Belgium where they sold for 99 eu.

I did a little research and found that when that sale happened it was the day in Belgium equal to Black Friday in the US.  Each store got 30 consoles and they sold them all as fast as Target sells their $200 50 inch TV's.  It was still a huge drop though, but lucky for anyone who actually got one at that price.    As for your 1st statement, thats exactly why comparing console sales is pretty pointless.    The Wii sold 100 m. / 360 sold 80 m. / PS3 sold 80m.  Those numbers would make it seem like the race was pretty close, but if you look at software Nintendo absolutely destroyed the other 2 last gen.   The same goes for SNES v. Genesis.  The console sales were pretty even but in terms of software Nintendo and Sega were'nt even onthe same playing field.

It was a a close race, the 360 and PS3 are still moving and will both probably reach about 90 million or slightly more. As for software; saying that "Nintendo absolutely destroyed the other 2 last gen" is a gross exaggeration; Nintendo have moved about 865 million pieces of software, with over 340-350 million of it being 1st party, while the 360 has moved only about 34 million less software and the PS3 about 110 million less. If you extrapolate the user base to match the Wii, the 360 would have sold about 1.08 billion pieces of software and the PS3 over 940 million. And; again, the other two are still moving and they're selling a whole lot more software so this ratio will be even more in their favor when is said and done.

In profits, there's no comparison to show anything besides a very clear victory for Nintendo but as far as sheer sales go in hardware and software; this really was a close race and it's still going.

"As for your 1st statement, thats exactly why comparing console sales is pretty pointless."

Then why spend any time on a console sales site to begin with?