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GT5P is part of GT5. The full game will have everything GT5P does. You are basically paying $40 to get part of the game, then paying full price when the game is actually released, only you are also repaying for the part you already paid.

With sports games you buy the game then next year purchase a new game. They are 2 seperate games. Similar yes but teams change, players change etc etc. The same player in Madden 07 will be different to in madden 08.

With GT5P you get nothing different than you will in the full game.

Although props to them, clearly an amazing business idea as fanboys will defend it to the death, purchase it, then purchase the exact same game with added bits later.

GT5P and GT5 isn't like sports games getting updated. It would be like buying warcraft 3 for $40, then when an expansion comes out like say Frozen throne, you pay $60 for warcraft 3 and frozen throne. Rather than simply being able to pay $20 for the added content you also are made to repurchase the same content you already bought.

Im surprised PA haven't made a webcomic about it yet. It is basically what they discussed when they wondered how companies could make people buy a game more times.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.