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hmm... on my side from what I hear from friends/family, or read online...Wii has the least amount of haters

Last year most hated the PS3, then it moved to the 360...I hardly ever hear anyone talk smack on the Wii, what can they say? Its too expensive? No games? RRoD? Theres not a lot of bad things you can say about the Wii...

The type of people who dont like the Wii, simply are not a fan of Casual Games

Compared to:
The type of people who dont like the 360, are PS3 Fanboys who need to bash the 360 to make theirs seem better
The type of people who dont like the PS3, are 360 Fanboys who need to bash the PS3 to make theirs seem better

Honestly, on my side, I hardly know anyone that dislikes the Wii...but when it comes to hating the PS3 / 360 every single person I know can go off in a rant about it

thats just me though