By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Close that I had dug deeper into my memory bank, I wish I hadn't chosen the 11-20 choice. Before Toonami, and everything else, my cousin (who's not much of an anime fan as he was in the past) introduced me to the classic OVA, Project A-ko grey side/blue side when I was 6-7. That one anime got me hooked into anime for life. It was so action packed, and downright hilarious. Afterwards I never heard from this series ever again and went on to watch other shows. Then afterwards I got into Toonami and afterwards....the end.

Although that wasn't the first anime I saw. If anyone is old enough to remember Nickelodeon used to air Maya The Honey Bee, Noozels, and Adventures of the Little Koala decades ago (yes these were from Japan). But I was a wee lad at the time like (4 or 5) so I wasn't able to comprehend a lot things yet like whether they were anime or not. Not to mention Speed Racer.